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most profitable and customizable

  • Custom and flexible pricing
  • API Integration, On-premise
  • Web-interface, Mobile SDK
  • Technology transfer, white labeling

designed for large clients

  • Adhere to specific regulations
  • Add data on demand
  • Adjust technology
  • Enhance reports
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How to deposit with bank card?

To deposit funds into your account using a bank card, simply follow these steps:

  1. Log in to your account
  2. Click on the 'Billing' section on the menu
  3. Enter the amount you wish to deposit
  4. Select 'Bank Card' as your payment method
  5. Enter your bank card information, including the card number, expiration date, and security code
  6. Confirm the deposit details and click 'Submit'

Once the deposit is processed, the funds will be available in your account. Please note that deposit times may vary depending on your bank and location.

How I can receive an invoice for my company?

To receive an invoice for your company, please follow these steps:

  1. Log in to your account
  2. Click on the 'Billing' section on the menu
  3. Select the invoice you wish to receive
  4. Click on the 'Download' or 'Export' button to generate the invoice in a PDF or other format
  5. Save the invoice to your device or send it directly to your company's billing department

If you need assistance or have any questions, please contact our support team for further assistance. We are here to help and ensure you receive the necessary invoices for your business.

Can I pay with crypto?

Is it Possible to Make Payments Using Cryptocurrency?

Yes, it is possible to pay using cryptocurrency. Please note that the availability of different cryptocurrencies for payment may vary depending on your location and the current market conditions. If you have any questions or need assistance, our support team is here to help.

Will I be charged if an applicant doesn’t complete the verification?

At our KYC solution, we charge for the processing of the information provided during the verification process, regardless of the outcome. This means that once the verification process is completed and all data has been processed, a fee will be incurred. It does not matter if the applicant successfully passes the verification or not. Our fee is designed to cover the cost of processing the information and ensuring the security of the data provided. By charging this fee, we are able to provide a high-quality verification service and maintain the privacy and security of all data involved.

is it possible to upgrade or downgrade the plan later?

We offer tiered pricing based on the size of your deposits. This means that the more you deposit, the better the prices you will receive. This allows you to take advantage of lower costs as your usage grows, making it a more cost-effective solution for your business. Once you have reached a higher tier, your pricing will never increase, only improve. This allows you to budget accurately and plan for the long-term, without worrying about rising costs.

do you offer a free trial?

We understand the importance of trying before you buy. That's why we offer a flexible option of 10 euros for any type of KYC check (ID verification or AML) for new customers. This allows you to assess the product in the way that suits you best. If you need an expanded trial setup, feel free to reach out.

During this period, you'll have full access to all our features and tools, so you can get a real sense of what we offer. There's no obligation to continue after this initial assessment, but we're confident that you'll find our solution compelling and choose to stay.

are there any extra costs i should know about?

We believe in complete transparency and honesty when it comes to pricing. Our pricing plans are straightforward and include all the costs associated with using our services. There are no hidden fees or unexpected charges. We believe that you should be able to budget accurately and not be hit with unexpected costs. If you require any custom integrations, we are always open to discussing your specific needs and providing a custom solution that meets those needs. Custom integrations may come with additional costs, but we will always provide a clear and detailed estimate of those costs before any work begins, so you can make an informed decision.